
We offer an array of aesthetic treatment services

Located in the village of Deepcar, Bonne Santé offers a variety of aesthetic treatments to suit your needs and help you achieve your skin goals.

Anti-Wrinkle injections

Anti-wrinkle injections using Botulinum Toxin offer a minimally invasive alternative to surgical procedures that may produce scarring or a long recovery period. With little-to-no downtime, these treatments are ideal for people who wish to enhance their skin's appearance quickly and effectively.

Anti-wrinkle injections can typically be performed in less than an hour.  Most patients can return to their daily activities almost immediately, with only minor post-treatment restrictions. It may take a few days to see noticeable effects, with optimal results typically seen within one to two weeks. 

Common side effects of anti-wrinkle injections include mild redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites. These symptoms will typically subside within a few days. More serious but rare side effects may include infection, allergic reactions, or uneven results.

Prices start from £160, send an inquiry for more information.

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Skin Boosters & Mesotherapy - Jalupro Range

Fibroblast activity decreases over time due to aging or other reasons (eating habits, diets, smoking, strenuous physical activity, prolonged exposure to the sun). As a result, the skin ages, loses tone, elasticity, luminosity, volume and, subsequently, wrinkles and furrows appear.

Jalupro is leading in the field of aesthetic medicine and has developed an innovative approach to counteract the effects of skin aging. By combining a blend of amino acids and hyaluronic acid in its formulations, Jalupro offers a powerful and synergistic solution to revitalize the skin due to its antioxidant and biostimulant components.

Amino acids, such as glycine, L-proline, and L-lysine, play a vital role in fibroblasts' production of collagen, helping to maintain skin structure and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid, with its exceptional moisturizing properties, works in tandem with amino acids to stimulate the natural production of collagen, thus promoting the regeneration of skin tissues. 

Following treatment with Jalupro you will be left with small bumps on the treated area which will disperse into the skin in 24 - 48 hours. There may be some mild bruising.

Two treatments are recommended 10 - 14 days apart. It is advised that Jalupro HMW treatment be repeated after 6 months for maintenance, micro needling will also help to prolong the results.

Prices start from £140

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Micro Needling

Collagen Induction Therapy (CID) using Micro Needling creates micro-wounds in the dermis. These wounds create channels which allow Hyaluronic acid or any other desired serums/acids to be driven deep into the skin.

The Micro Needling process increases the skin's ability to utilize the nutrients by up to 3000%. The micro-wounds trigger the body to produce new collagen and elastin.

The results are improved skin texture and a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks, acne scars and surgical scars.

Micro Needling Treatment uses a hand-held needle pen to create controlled depth micro-injuries to the skin. This stimulates the skin's natural repair process to produce collagen and elastin, this is the body's normal response to any injury it sustains. The skin is cleansed before the treatment and Hyaluronic acid, vitamin E or collagen serum is applied immediately before the needling. These serums can also be combined if desired.

For Collagen Induction, dermatologists recommend a series of 3 to 6 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. However, the number of sessions you will need depends on your individual goals and skin conditions. If your goal is to improve lines and wrinkles, 3 to 6 sessions should suffice. For more severe conditions such as scarring or deep stretch marks, you may need 8 to 12 sessions.

The number of sessions you may need will be discussed at your initial consultation.

the majority of people will notice some redness and flushing of the skin for 12 - 24 hours after treatment. You will be given an after care leaflet following your treatment explaining this in more detail.

Prices start from £80 per treatment, block bookings are available offering a discounted rate.

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Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps maintain hydration and volume. HA fillers are made from a synthetic form of hyaluronic acid and, when injected, can attract and hold water. 
Result: The HA adds volume to the treatment area, while the hydrating effects improve the appearance of the skin. The effects of HA fillers are instant and generally last six to 18 months, depending on the extent of your concern and product used.

Dermal fillers can be used to improve:

  • Facial lines and wrinkles
  • Areas lacking volume such as the cheeks, tear troughs (under eyes), temples and chin
  • Sagging around the chin and jawline
  • Deep ‘smile lines’ which run from the side of the nose to the corners of the mouth
  • ‘Smokers’ lines’ which are vertical lines on the top lip
  • ‘Marionette lines’ that run from the corners of the mouth to either side of the chin
  • The definition of the lip border
  • Lip volume and unevenness
  • Acne scars
  • Depressions or pockmarks in the skin due to injury or disease, for example chickenpox marks
  • Unevenness in the skin after surgery or skin grafting

Your procedure will require multiple injections, so can be slightly uncomfortable. Most leading brands of filler contain a local anaesthetic to reduce any pain. Additionally, anaesthetic cream will be provided at your consultation and can be applied prior to attending for your treatment.

Following treatment, it’s normal for your skin to be red and swollen, while you may also have some bruising or itchiness which will settle after a few days. More serious complications from a dermal filler procedure include infection, lumps, nodules, and blocked arteries. Your practitioner should tell you about the signs to look out for and give you emergency contact details to use if you have any concerns.


In our mid -to -late 20's and early 30's, collagen production starts to dwindle and we loose 1% of our collagen per year after that. By the age of 40 collagen drops dramatically leading to signs of aging such as wrinkles, sagging and drying. 

Croma PhilArt promotes the following skin benefits:

  • Enhanced skin hydration - Improves the hydration levels of the skin, leading to a more radiant and healthy-looking complexion.
  • Improved skin texture - PhilArt improves the texture of the skin, helping it feel softer and smoother.
  • Reduction in fine lines - Reduces the appearance of fine lines particularly around the eyes and mouth.
  • Skin rejuvenation - PhilArt stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, leading to a smoother, more youthful complexion.

PhilArt skin booster is an injectable medical aesthetic treatment that is designed to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. This treatment is typically used to address signs of ageing, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

The transformative power of PhilArt skin booster, when combined with other aesthetic treatments, unlocks the full potential of our natural beauty and empowers our inner radiance.

 Polynucleotide treatment stimulates collagen synthesis, encouraging the skin to produce new collagen fibers. The Polynucleotides are injected using a fine sterile needle into the superficial layer of the skin. The treatment usually takes around half an hour and it is recommended that 2-3 sessions are required between 2 and 3 weeks apart to achieve optimum results.

 Following your consultation, should you wish to book the treatment, you will be given a topical anesthetic cream to take home with you. It is recommended that this is applied half an hour before your procedure to facilitate a pain-free experience.

 Polynucleotides were initially used in health care settings for the purpose of healing wounds which proved difficult to heal in patients such as diabetics and those suffering with vascular issues and poor circulation, this has mow been applied to the treatment of skin aging.

 They work by stimulating cell regeneration. PhilArt is a gel consisting of long - chain polynucleotides. Polynucleotides promote hydration of the skin and scavenge free radicals, promoting an optimal environment for the growth of fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen and elastic fibers). As a result, collagen cells and elastic fibers are produced in abundance, stimulating the body's own cell regeneration.

 PhilArt Polynucleotides are of natural origin derived from fresh water fish intended for human consumption. The European based production facility provides total control of the manufacturing chain ensuring the safety of its products though the unique high purification technology used.

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve

Lemon Bottle is a new injectable compound premium Fat Dissolving product which has a unique blend of active ingredients that not only can destroy the fat cell but can help to excrete it from the body more efficiently. It is so popular because it is highly effective and is comprised of natural ingredients to help with fat decomposition and increase the metabolism of fat cells

The natural and active ingredients include: Bromelain, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) and Lecithin which work together to metabolise stubborn fat cells in areas such as:

  • Double Chin
  • Big Cheeks
  • Around the Jaw Line
  • Hips
  • Fatty Tissue on Arms / Bingo Wings
  • Fatty Tissue on Abdomen and Side Folds 
  • Fatty accumulation on the inner and outer Thighs and Knees.
  • Any area where unwanted fat accumulates 

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injections are a quick and easy procedure that typically takes 30-45 minutes to complete. Your nurse will first cleanse the area to be treated then inject the Lemon Bottle solution into the treatment area using a fine needle. You may experience some mild discomfort during the injection process, but this typically subsides quickly. 

Most patients see significant improvement after just one Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injection, but additional treatments may be recommended to achieve optimal results. The number of Lemon Bottle treatments required to see optimal results varies based on your individual needs. However, most patients achieve their desired results after 2 - 4 sessions spaced at least 1 week apart. 

After your treatment, you may experience redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site, but these side effects typically resolve within a few days. It is important to avoid strenuous exercise, sun exposure, and tanning beds for at least 24 hours after your treatment. An aftercare leaflet will be provided following treatment.

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